No one knows why avocado is fatally venomous to parrots. One
theory is that toxins in the pit leach out into the body material after
the crop is selected. Though some parrots have been observed eating
avocados from trees in the untamed, numerous parrot professionals accept
as true that the practice of consuming mud from mud licks assists to
neutralize the venom, thus enabling them to endure. not ever, ever feed
your bird avocado. This includes guacamole!
There are enzymes in chocolate that are mortal to birds. The caffeine in sweets can be toxic as well. Which brings us to...
Even de-caffeinated coffee should be bypassed. And not ever feed your birds coffee beans either!
Onions, Garlic and other Alliums:
argue about if it is protected to feed psittacines raw vs. prepared
food onions. But onions and other alliums (like chives and leeks)
furthermore contain substances that can harshly damage your bird. While
you probably don’t need to panic if your parrot sneaks a beak-full of
ratatouille that has some garlic and onions in it, it’s likely not a
good idea to risk assisting any members of the allium family to your
A exact note about Garlic:
Many persons believe that a
very small amount of garlic can be beneficial to your bird. However, at a
certain issue, too much garlic can be dangerous. Because birds are
relatively little creatures, the line between healthful and toxic is far
too narrow to take a chance. As a general rule, we recommend bypassing
garlic solely.
Raw Potato:
Raw potatoes are venomous to birds.
numerous parrots love ovenovenovenbaked or mashed potatoes -- just make
certain they’ve chilled down sufficient not to set alight your bird’s
tongue or crop! Even a single french pan-cooked one time in a while as a
treat is okay. But not ever feed potatoes raw.
are not mammals and do not doctor when young. Their schemes cannot
handle most milk goods. dairy cheese won’t be digested and may turn
rancid and origin diseases. There are couple of things poorer than
observing your vet while s/he cuts into out glops of old, disgusting
cheese from your bird’s crop. Yogurt, on the other hand, can be very
wholesome for birds – just make certain it’s genuine yogurt and not one
of those sugary concoctions with tons of sweeteners and chemicals.
persons furthermore often ask us about feeding ice elite. While we
absolutely don’t suggest it, we don’t believe there’s any thing
incorrect with giving your parrot a tiny bit – perhaps a half teaspoon,
counting on the dimensions of the bird – one time every so often. (Make
sure it’s not sweets though!)
Canned Vegetables:
nearly all
canned vegetables comprise far too much sodium for birds. As little as
one assisting can origin kidney impairment. Even a “low sodium” emblem
can be unsafe so, don’t risk it. Frozen vegetables are much healthier
for your bird. Just ascertain the label to make certain no saline or
preservatives have been added. If you wholeheartedly should use canned
vegetables, rinse them repeatedly with coolinginging running water to
eliminate as much of the salt as likely.
Sunflower kernels:
one of the lowest culprits leading to parrot death. That’s right.
Death. numerous pre-packaged parrot foods comprise large allowances of
sunflower kernels and peanuts because they are cheap filler. Parrots can
easily become addicted to sunflower kernels and will end up denying to
consume any thing else. Sunflower (or “Polly seeds” as they are
occasionally called) have nearly NO nutritional worth and are the
leading origin of Fatty Liver Disease in favourite birds. Some species,
such as Amazons, Cockatoos, Cockatiels, Parakeets and Caiques, are
especially susceptible.
apple fruit & Pear kernels, Peach Pits:
they gaze very small, these seeds may comprise sufficient deadly venom
to murder your bird. Let your bird relish the crop but make certain to
remove the kernels and pits first.
While there’s
nothing truly wrong with olives in and of themselves, the types that are
available in shopping centres usually contain far too much salt and oil
for most birds to handle. In some cases, the excess sodium and fat can
origin instant and fatal kidney or liver impairment. Don’t take a
Monday, 30 September 2013
Sunday, 29 September 2013
Unsafe Foods For Parrots
Blue throated macaw
The list of should/can feed items is very long. Fresh fruits and veggies should be the biggest part of the daily diet. Grains (cooked and raw) and legumes (only cooked or sprouted), pastas, nuts and pellets should also be worked into the diet regularly.
More important is the list of foods that are dangerous. It is a short list, but it is imperative that we be aware of those things which are hazardous to our birds.
Camelot macaws
To keep things simple, I will address only the foods that are known to be toxic, foods to be avoided (even though many of these are debated), and the parts of acceptable foods that should be removed when you serve them.
Following is the list of foods you must NEVER let your bird eat or drink:
- Avocado – The pit and skin are the most toxic parts of the avocado, but even the flesh can kill a bird within minutes. I know of a few instances where this happened to birds after being fed guacamole by their unaware owners.
- Chocolate – Contains the compound theobromine, which speeds up the metabolism. The darker chocolates containing a higher percentage of cacao, which are also the more pricey chocolates, are the most dangerous. Chocolate toxicity can be fatal.
- Raw honey – This contains fairly high levels of botulism and should not be fed to birds or infants. Used pasteurized honey instead.
- Caffeine – This speeds up the metabolism in an animal with already high metabolic rates. It can bring on cardiac distress and death.
- Alcohol – Alcohol depresses the organ system and can be fatal, even in small amounts.
- Salt/Sugar – Sodium (salt) is a necessity in all living creatures. However, too much salt can bring on dehydration and kidney dysfunction. The different foods we eat contains both salts and sugars naturally. It is unnecessary and unsafe to add these ingredients to our bird’s foods.
Congo african grey
- Dairy products - Birds are lactose intolerant. This is fact. However, birds do love cheese, and when given in small amounts infrequently, most do not have a problem digesting it. My cockatiels have played “bobbing for Cheerios” in my cereal bowl since I’ve had them.
- Peanuts/peanut butter – Peanuts can contain aflotoxins, a carcinogenic substance, as can tree nuts, grains, cereals and corn. Peanut shells can also harbor fungus, I am more concerned about this factor, so I buy raw peanuts and bake them myself. Commercial peanut butters have a lower contamination of aflotoxins than do the more natural brands. This is one of the few instances where over-processing is a good thing. I should also point out that there are rare occasions of peanut allergies in birds. Just like similar allergies in humans, this is only discovered once it has been eaten.
- Onion – Onions can bring on digestive discomforts in both birds and humans, especially when eaten raw. Excessive amounts can also cause anemia. I do use onion in my cooking which I often share with my birds. I steam some vegetables with chopped onion for flavoring and pick out the onion bits before giving it to them. I also use onion powder for flavoring, which is generally considered by all to be safe.
- Garlic – Over indulgence in garlic can cause anemia. Like onion, I use frequently it in my cooking. There are so many health benefits to garlic that I don’t even know where to begin. I will continue to give it to my birds, forever, both raw and cooked. It is an amazing food, but it must be a food that is given in moderation.
- Mushrooms – Mushrooms are a fungus. Some species have toxicity, some more than others. While birds do seem to enjoy the texture, they are worthless nutritionally. I don’t feed them to my birds because there are no benefits to balance out any potential risks.
- Fruit seeds and pits – The seeds and pits from certain fruits: apples, pears, peaches, cherries, apricots, nectarines and plums contain low levels of a cyanide-like compound and if eaten in quantity can be fatal to your bird. Your bird should never have access to these seeds or pits. However, the seeds from the following are safe: grapes, citrus fruits, squashes, pumpkins, tomatoes, melons, pomegranate, mango and berry seeds.
- Cabbage – Cabbage and leafy greens contain oxalic acids which interferes with calcium absorption in the meals that follow. However, kale, for instance, is one of the most nutrient rich foods we can offer to our birds. Unless your bird is producing eggs or molting, both of which require a strong calcium supply in the body, or has a known calcium deficiency for other reasons, these foods should be a big part of the diet. Why some people single out cabbage as an unsuitable food is beyond me.
- Rhubarb – Raw rhubarb has very high levels of oxalic acid, especially in the leaves. It is said that once cooked, it drops to an acceptable level making it a safe food. Other sources say that the levels do not drop acceptably. Because rhubarb is in such debate, and I do not feel I can make an informed decision, I have dropped it off of my “safe” list.
- Asparagus - Asparagus has been said to cause severe digestive upsets in some birds and humans. I have never seen this in my own birds, a couple of whom just love it. Because the word severe unnerves me, I now only feed it 2 or 3 times a year, still, though, without any problems.
- Eggplant – It is also said that eggplant, due to the solanin it contains, can cause stomach upsets, although I am unaware of any instances of this happening. Most site have eggplant of the safe list. My birds aren’t crazy about it, cooked or raw, and get it occasionally in my effort to vary their diets.
Rgubarb photo by www.chicagoist.com
Moderation is the best way to avoid diet problems. We should do our best to vary our bird’s diets. In doing this, not only do we make eating a more enriching experience for them, but it helps us see that they are getting all that their bodies require nutritionally. In a widely varied diet, all of the foods you offer are given in moderation automatically because there is so much to choose from.
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