Saturday 15 June 2013

The Unique And Endangered Ecletus Parrot

There are many kind of parrot, and one of them is the eclectus parrot (Eclectus roratus). This bird is a protected species. Is this birds could be bred and traded? It could be, as long as you get permission from the government or licensing body in certain areas. Most birds that bred is the protected bird, but had received official permission from the government or licensing body. If you are interested in breeding the eclectus parrot, then you have to know a lot about this bird first.

Eclectus parrot (Eclectus roratus) is a species of parrots that intelligent (as we know, almost all parrots are intelligent). But different from the lovebird who tend to be monogamous, the male and female eclectus parrot does not have a regular partner. Female birds, though it had a partner, it is possible to look for a new partner. Similarly, the male birds who already have a partner.
Another unique thing of this bird is that the mother often kills their male child if it appears certain conditions or trigger factors.

Eclectus parrot has nine subspecies which is scattered in lowland forests, coconut groves and savannah that are in the Moluccas, Bali, Papua, Australia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.

Despite its status in the IUCN Red List set to the Least Concern / LC, in fact, the eclectus parrot populations in the wild are running low, mainly due to the rampant poaching and habitat destruction. Therefore, eclectus parrot is in the list of protected birds in all around the world.

Breeding the eclectus parrot is one way to prevent the extinction of this endangered species. Some people have tried to breed this bird, for example such as the Mega Bird and Orchid Farm in Indonesia, in the city of Bogor.

Hopefully this article can help you to know more about the eclectus parrot.