Monday 17 January 2011

Budgie bonding

I've really enjoyed reading the various comments left by people telling me how Brian reminds them of a beloved budgie. In my opinion, budgies are completely underrated, probably because of their inexpensive price and small stature. Most people don't know what they are missing.

Brian has an amazing talent of scurrying around the breakfast table and standing exactly at the part of the story you're trying to read.Tonight, we were eating dinner on the couch. Beeps was in his cage to protect Brian and Stella was in her cage to protect Calypso, but everyone else was out. Brian was on my shoulder. This has been the routine since Brian came to stay with us.

Suddenly I realized that he'd been regurgitating up there. I was amazed at how many partially digested seeds he brought up! Neither Thomas nor I could remember any of our budgies regurgitating for us before. After he brought up the seed, he'd shake his head, so I had to clean up the wall, back of the couch, Thomas, me, the air filter, floor, etc. His projectiles really have great range!

I ended up putting him back in his cage as I do not want to encourage mating behavior; also, he needed to refill after losing so much! That being said, it did make me happy in a way that he feels comfortable enough with us after only a few weeks to do this. And that he is healthy enough to. Let's just hope this doesn't become a pattern.