As a result, he's not getting out as much as he used to; however, he is content in his cage, and I make sure he gets out several times a day, even if only for a few minutes each time. When allowed out, he needs to be heavily supervised as he really wants to be on Basil's cage. Basil does not want him there and this causes major problems. (Mostly Basil freaking out and making the loudest, most unpleasant noise imaginable. I don't want to see this escalate to violence, however, so Beeps is always swiftly removed from his cage. Basil continues to protest for a few minutes even after Beeps is gone.)
I got home from work last night and Thomas informed me that Beeps had tried to attack him 5 times in the past 2 minutes. Good thing Thomas has strong reflexes and was able to move out of the way of the fly-by attack.
This picture isn't the best, but since the camera triggers attacks, I only had one shot at him. Especially since he was on my arm!
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