Rocky was wandering around the kitchen last night, looking for ways to occupy his time. He loves to hang out in boxes and
Thomas's pants. I keep my grocery bags near the back door, so that I remember the next morning to put them in my car. Rocky seized this opportunity to make a pseudo-nest:

Much of the evening was spent crawling into the bag, standing on the bag, and doing other weird macaw-things to the bag. Personally, I don't get the attraction...
He was making such a fuss laughing, talking, and making other excited noises, that the nosy greys had to fly over and see what was going on:

I love the way they tilt their heads when they really want a good look at what's going on on the floor.
Also, have there ever been nosier parrots? These two must always be in everyone
else's business. I do tell them to get hobbies of their own, but of course they don't listen to me. It must be too much fun this way.
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