Friday 31 December 2010

2010 review & 2011 preview

As I like to do every year, this is the perfect time to reflect on the past year and plan for the upcoming one. Reading last year's entry, some of my 2010 goals were met; others not so much!

I only read three French books, did not average yoga three time per week, and met none of my knitting goals. However, I did finally finish Citizens, as well as the Harry Potter series. I didn't think it was possible, but 2010 was an even better running year for me than 2009. More PRs (15K, half marathon, marathon), quite a few medals from placing in my age group at races, and a happy finish at the Boston Marathon.

I hope that the parrots had another good year. I think that they did, despite the fact that Rocky's dream of having Thomas to himself did not materialize as I am still around. We lost Daphne, whom I still miss deeply, daily. Brian joined our household, on almost the last day of the year. I know 2010 was the year that Steve's life turned around when he met Shannon. I look forward to following their journey as he continues to improve.

As for 2011, I'm hoping the good times continue! With any luck, Brian will be with us the entire year. Thomas might be presenting at a conference in Amsterdam and I'd then get to tag along as he'd extend his stay to include a week's vacation. If not, we're still going to try to get to Europe in the spring.

Of course, I also have fitness goals. I'm hoping to run at least 3 marathons this year, do 5,000 push-ups, and drastically increase the frequency of my weight lifting and yoga practice.

As usual, I hope to read at least 52 books, including 6 Pulitzer prize-winning novels. This year's Citizens will be Barbara Tuchman's A Distant Mirror, which has been on my bookshelf for over 8 years now.

I'm also hoping to make at least 12 new non-dessert recipes and knit something that I won't be embarrassed to give as a gift to someone (I am a very bad knitter!)

Lots of goals on my plate, and a fresh new year in which to accomplish them! I hope that everyone reading had a great 2010 and will have an even better 2011!