Thursday 30 December 2010

New budgie

Partly because of the comments left by you guys, partly from the pressure from other rescue volunteers, and partly because I miss having a budgie in the house, I went against my better judgment and brought Brian home last night.

My main concern is the fact that he is so much smaller than everyone else and they could injure/kill him so easily. We are just going to have to be extra careful that the opportunity doesn't present itself for anything to happen.He was quiet last night and this morning, only making a few chirps. How I've missed living with budgie sounds! These guys are just so wonderful. We're letting him settle in and trying to let him take in the new experience of our house.

He had been an only bird for 10 years. He lived in a tiny round cage with only one plastic toy and improper perches. In the short time I was able to observe him, he was already playing with toys and exploring his much larger cage.

One thing he appears to like to do is jump from the side of his cage to his boing so he can swing.