Over the weekend, I took him out and let him wander around the kitchen table. It was almost like an obstacle course since the table was filled with an old newspaper, the mail, and other things. He had a lot of fun exploring and jumping onto things. He is so incredibly curious and brave.
He'd been wandering around the table when he jumped up on Rocky's stick, even though a budgie-appropriate perch was right there:
Brian didn't appear to know how to step up -- I'd kind of scoop him up -- but after a day or two, he picked it up. He does not like it when we leave him alone -- he wants to be in on the action.
The only real downside is my need to protect him from my other birds. He is so much smaller than they are, so I need to be very careful when they are out at the same time. Yesterday he was perching on my upper arm when Beeps jumped on to that same shoulder. I'm not sure what Beeps's intentions were -- he's not bird-aggressive, so it's entirely possible it was an accident -- but I quickly scooped Brian to safety. I'm sure we'll work out a system in the next few weeks as he definitely needs to be out of his cage a lot!
Thanks again to everyone who commented and encouraged me to bring him home. You guys were a deciding voice in this!
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