I can't believe it's only been a week since we brought him home. Last night he'd been on my arm during dinner. I sneezed really loudly, and Brian got scared and jumped to
Thomas's arm:

Thomas then kept him. I think Brian is making inroads already! Here he was, preening
Thomas's finger

One of the things Brian says is "Get me a beer!" We've only heard him say it once, but it was on the list his former owners provided to the rescue. Thomas was joking around, as we'd never give Brian beer, but it doesn't matter as Brian didn't want any:

He also said "Gimme kisses pretty birdie!" I'm not sure if that's on the list or not. He does a lot of budgie chatter, but it is so quiet and with our loud parrots, we can't hear most of it.
Brian has interesting wing coloring. His right wing, as you can see in this picture, is white. His left wing (you can see it above in the first picture of this entry) he has the normal budgie pattern.
This morning, he was on his now-routine investigation of the kitchen table during breakfast. He found his way to Thomas and started eating his toast:

Note that although Thomas was eating honey toast, Brian was just eating the dry whole wheat bread.
And a video because once Brian's gone, I want some videos to remember how fun he was:
Have I mentioned that we really hit the jackpot with Brian? I'm rather sad it took me a week to make up my mind.
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