When I returned, I looked to make sure everyone was where I had left them. I was surprised to see Max on the lower perch on her stand as she had been on the upper perch a minute earlier. When I got closer to her, I realized that she'd flown to the garbage, taken my chapstick cap out, and then returned with it to the stand.
She played with this during the 15 minutes or so until I picked her up (cap still in beak) and deposited her in her cage. When I went to say my goodbyes before leaving for work, she'd placed the cap in a special part of her cage. I wonder where it will be tonight?
Sometimes Basil holds himself so that it looks like he doesn't have a neck:
Stella and her shoe obsession:
I have made an exception to my no-shoulders rule for Brian. He is very gentle, can't do any permanent damage to my face, feels safer up there, and his poop is easily removable. Thomas was trying to get a picture of him preening me, but he was a bit too interested in the camera.
This morning, I got back from running to find Thomas and Brian breakfasting together. Although Brian was eating Thomas's crumbs when I saw him, Thomas had earlier taken a few pictures of Brian attempting to eat pictures of cookies:
I spoke with a naturalist about my squirrel questions from yesterday. He told me that the squirrel was probably not eating bark, but just chewing on it in order to keep his teeth in shape (he actually said "to prevent them from growing into his skull" but I think he was kidding!) Also, it was probably a red-tailed hawk or great-horned owl who had attempted to get him when he lost his tail. Apparently, squirrels are very scrappy, so hawks and owls will only try to get them if they are stuck for other alternatives as the squirrel can damage the bird and also escape. Finally, he said that the squirrel will quickly learn to navigate without his tail. I had assumed the tail was used for balance, but he told me it's more of a defense mechanism (that worked very well in this case for the squirrel -- not so much for the hawk or owl!) So interesting!
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