Friday 31 May 2013

African Gray Parrot Problem : Male Parrot Attack The Female

African gray parrot is an interesting bird, because it is known smart and have the ability to process the words that taught by their owners. As ornamental birds that can be our friend at home, there are many people around the world who like to captive this bird. If you are interested in breeding african gray parrots, then prepare your knowledge of the problems that can occur at any time, which is when the male parrot often attacked their partner.

Causes of male parrot became aggressive.

Keep in mind, not all male parrot has this kind of behavior. So, there is a trigger factor that makes the males often attack their partner. Effects of the attack depends on the level of aggressiveness of birds. There is a female bird that just hurt, but there is also a physical disability, and the worst is death.

Before attacking, usually a male parrot necessarily preclude the female parrot when they wanted to eat or when they wanted to drink. When the female are weak by the hunger, then the male will attack it. Case like this can happen at the starting of a mating, but it can also occur on the male and female parrot which has paired for years.

In the natural habitat, the female parrot can escape from an angry male, by flying away from it. However, this is difficult to do when the two birds are in a breeding cage. When attacked, the mother had no choice but to surrender and give up.

It is very important to maintain a comfortable atmosphere for a pair parrots, especially the male parrot. Another thing that is suspected to be the trigger of the male parrot aggressiveness is the sexual problems. When males are ready to mate, but the female does not want to mate with the male, it can also angered the male parrot.

Good luck in captive breeding african gray parrot.