Friday 10 May 2013

All You Need To Know About Parrot Natural Habit

If you want to pet a parrot, you should know the parrot natural habit. Parrot is an incredibly loyal animal, their fur is very soft and they are beautiful. Most importantly, they are very smart and a curious bird. Parrots love to show off and make a funny behavior with its wings spread, head up and down, dancing and shouting. They are very active and curious about their surroundings.
Parrots are happy to spend time with the show or check out and play dolls or toys in the cage. A parrot as a pets grow up healthy if the owner gives a lot of time and attention to them, playing and expressing affection in everyday behavior.

However, ideally you need 2 parrots you do not have much time to play and give attention to the bird. Two parrots will help to prevent bad habits that caused the bird was bored, such as high-pitched voice and pluck their feathers. The term of the parrot is in Malay language has two designations pincher and old father.
Pincher certainly can be interpreted as a parrot that has a strong beak and can destroy wooden toys in a short time. This bird behaves very differently than other parrots. They have a lot more feather color, such as white or black, and they have a perpendicular head, ability to follow something moving. Very large and powerful beak and they easily destroy the object.

Parrots are the longest-living birds from other parrot species such instances greater sulfur-crested species has lived almost 100 years. It is difficult to determine the age of a parrot, however young parrot has a pale beak color softer and paler plumage, while the old birds have darker beaks and feathers has striations and filled with color.

Hopefully this tips can help you to know more about parrot natural habit.